What It Really Takes To Make Money Online

What It Really Takes To Make Money Online

Making money online is a popular topic these days and a popular niche for affiliate marketers. Making money online is possible but it is saturated with many gurus and fake information that is there to waste your time and take your money.Make Money Online

Many people get rich by scamming the poor and wasting their time with strategies that don`t work and information that is not true. In this article I`m doing to go over how things really are, share some of my own experiences and discuss what it really takes to make money online.


You may have heard that you can make hundreds of dollars per day by typing a few words or by clicking a few buttons but this is not how it works. In reality you cannot make money online by doing nothing. These claims are fake and you should stay away from anyone or anything that makes claims like this.

There are many real and legit ways to make money online but you can`t get rich overnight. It will take time, effort and dedication to make money online. There are ways to make a few dollars here and there if that`s what you are looking for. The best ways to do this is with paid surveys and get paid to websites. I will discuss this in more details later.

But if you want to make a full time income online you will need to do something like creating your own blog and doing affiliate marketing which will take a lot of time and effort. It can take months or more to make money with affiliate marketing but it is possible and a legit way to make money online. I will discuss affiliate marketing in more detail later as well.

If you want to make money online the first things you should do is think how much money you would like to make. Once you decide if you want to make some extra cash or make a full time income you can then find out which options are available for you to make the money you want. You should also consider how much time you have and if you want to invest any money or use free methods.

Once you have thought about these things decided what you want to do read the information below which will help you get started.

Paid Surveys & Get Paid To Websites

Paid surveys and get paid to websites are a method of making money online. There are many of them out there that are legit, available worldwide and are free to join. These websites will not make you rich or make you a full time income but you can make some extra cash quickly. If you use a lot of these websites and spend many hours doing it you can make some decent extra and even a side income.

Paid survey websites pay you to complete surveys and get paid to websites pay you to complete surveys and other tasks like installing an app, downloading a game and reaching a certain level, watching ads and many other tasks. Each task pays anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on the task. The longer a task takes to complete the more it will pay.

You are rewarded for each survey or task you complete which will be in points, coins or cash. But whichever way you are rewarded it is still easy to withdraw your earnings. Many paid survey websites and get paid to websites have a lot of payout options. Usually you can withdraw you earns once you reach the payout threshold which can be anywhere from $1 to $10 or more depending on the website you are using.

On most paid survey websites and get paid to websites you can withdraw your earnings in PayPal cash, gift cards or cryptocurrency. Some paid survey websites and get paid to websites even let you withdraw your earnings to your bank account once you have reach the payout threshold. The best paid survey websites and get paid to websites to use are Freecash, Swagbucks and Ysense.

There are many other good ones to that are legit. I will be covering these ones and many more in future articles and reviews.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a popular way to make money online that many people talk about it all the time. Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting other people`s products and earning commissions. You sign up for an affiliate network and select a product you want to promote. Then you write a review of the product and insert your affiliate link. If someone buys the product using your affiliate link you earn a commission.

That`s basically what affiliate marketing is and how it works but there is a lot more to it then that. It is not as simple as it sounds because you need to get traffic to your links and have good reviews that help people. Don’t spam your affiliate links as this will only make you look like spam and you will not make any money.

There are many affiliate networks and affiliate programs out there you can join but you will need to learn more about affiliate marketing first. There is a lot of information about it out there but a lot of it is fake and will just waste your time. If you promote affiliate links on social media you can make money but you will need a following to do so.

If you are brand new and no one knows you it will take a while to build a following and start getting traffic to your links. It`s better to do affiliate marketing on your own blog or website and slowly build it up with good and helpful reviews. Take the time to learn about websites and SEO as well as affiliate marketing and how it works. You won’t get rich overnight and it will take some time to start making money.

Once you do start making money it is possible over time to earn hundreds of dollars and even thousands of dollars per day. It will take a lot of effort and a long time to reach that stage but it is possible. Affiliate marketing is good for beginners because you don`t need your own product or previous experience to start but you will need a lot of time to learn about websites, SEO, affiliate marketing and much more while you build your business in a niche of your choice.

That is how affiliate marketing really works. It`s not hard but there is a lot to learn and you will not get rich quick. But if you are willing to learn, do the work and put in the time, effort and dedication required you can make a full time income online with affiliate marketing which is the best way to make a full time income online. I will be discussing more about affiliate marketing in future articles.

How To Make A Full Time Income?

A full time income is possible with affiliate marketing as I just discussed but you can also make a full time income with YouTube. If you start your own YouTube channel you can make from it but not straight away. With YouTube you can monetize your videos with Google Adsense once you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours.

You can then join the YouTube partner program and once accepted YouTube will place ads on your videos which will pay you per 1000 views. While your YouTube channel is small you won`t make much money but you will still make a few dollars here and there.

But if your YouTube channel becomes big or if you have videos that go viral you can make hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars in ad revenue off those videos. You can also do affiliate marketing on YouTube which you do by making videos about the products you want to promote and put your affiliate links in the description and if someone buys using your affiliate links you will earn a commission.

There is a lot to learn about a YouTube channel and you shouldn’t just start making videos say whatever about affiliate products just so you can try and make money. This won’t work and will just hurt your YouTube channel. Make videos about something you are passionate about and have this as your niche. Promote products in this niche and review them.

Put your affiliate links in the description and after a while people may start using them and you will start making money. You can do affiliate marketing on YouTube no matter the amount of subscribers or watch hours you have as it is seperate from monetization.

But it won`t be very effective until you have some subscribers and regular viewers. Just like with a website it will take time, effort and dedication to have success with a YouTube channel as well. Having a website and YouTube channel is also a great combination.

Whichever method you choose will take time, effort and dedication but a full time income is definitely possible.

My Experience With Making Money Online

I have interested in making money online since late 2018. I wasted a lot of time and effort back then with strategies and methods that didn`t work. I never made any money and gave up a few times. I didn`t know what I was doing back then or how it really works. I watched a lot of YouTube and tried everything I could thinking I would get rich quickly and be able to change my life.

This did not happen and I just wasted a lot of time and energy for nothing. In the years that followed I tried again and tried affiliate marketing on and off for 2 to 3 years using social media and a platform called Wealthy Affiliate. I still made no money and gave up. In 2022 I wanted to give things another go so I started my own online business from scratch.

I started in June 2022 on social media and worked for 5 months on and off. During this time I struggled with motivation and only made a few cents in referral earnings but not other money. After trying more strategies that didn’t work, wasting more time, temporarily loosing a social media account for spam and many other issues I gave up again. A couple of months later I returned with a plan.

I continued on social media for a bit but this time providing value with informative content and free informative PDF giveaways. I did not include any marketing or affiliate links and this gained me a small following but made me no money. In December 2022 I created this website for my business and committed full time to affiliate marketing and business work. I also wrote and published my first eBook about smartphones which I will write an article about in the future.

As of writing this article I haven’t made much money yet but I will continue to work hard and I will get there eventually. That`s just some of my experiences with making money online. After all this I have learned how things really work and how much fake information is really out there. I want to change this and save you the time and frustration of making the mistakes I did. Making money online is not as easy as it seems but it is possible.

I have made money with paid surveys and other paid tasks but I’m yet to make my first eBook sale and first money with affiliate marketing. It will take time, effort and dedication for me just like it will for you but eventually I will get there and so will you.

If you would like to read more about my experience with making money online and the early days of Byteable Tech you can do so in this article here What Is Byteable Tech?


Making money online is popular among people who want extra money and is also a popular niche for affiliate marketers. There is a lot of information out there and a lot of it is fake. The make money online niche is saturated and competitive. There are many gurus and scammers who will waste your time and take your money so they can get rich off you.

But the positive side of it is that you can make money online no matter who you are, what your goals, where you are form or what your skills are. There is an option that will be right for you. If you want to make some extra cash online paid surveys and get paid to websites would be a great option for you to make a few dollars and a nice side income if you put in a lot of time and effort.

However if you want to make a full time income online creating your own blog, website or YouTube channel and doing affiliate marketing is the best option for you. A combination of these is even better. You won’t get rich quick and it will take lot of time, effort and dedication but you can make a lot of money online this way with affiliate marketing and other monetization methods.

Whichever option you choose will be a great starting point. Be careful of scams and fake gurus so you don`t waste time and money. Be consistent, don`t give up and you will eventually get there because you can do this. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or if you need any help let me know in the comments. I will be more than happy to help you out.

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