Wealthy Affiliate Review- Should You Join?

Wealthy Affiliate Review- Should You Join?

Affiliate marketing and owning an online business is a popular way to make money online. But what if you are a beginner and don’t know here to start? Wealthy affiliate is platform that will show you the ropes and train you step by step to build and manage your own online business. In this wealthy affiliate review I will discuss everything wealthy affiliate has to offer and share my experience with the platform so you can decide if you should join or not.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy affiliate is a learning platform that teaches you how to build a website and run your own online business. It has extensive and thorough training where It’s primary focus is teaching you how to build and run a blog, how SEO works and how to do affiliate marketing.

But it also teaches you many other things related to your online business making money online including marketing, how to use WordPress, niche & keyword research and much more. Wealthy affiliate also includes all the tools you need to run your online business including web hosting, content writing, keyword research tools, website support and much more.

There is also live chat and a very helpful and amazing community that you can ask for help any time you need it. There are a lot of experience affiliate marketers on Wealthy affiliate and the owners are also active daily and engage with the community consistently. All in all Wealthy affiliate is the one stop shop for building and running an online business.

Who Can Join Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy affiliate is available worldwide and you can join from most countries. There are a few countries that can’t join wealthy affiliate but you can join from most countries. There are over 100 countries that you can join wealthy affiliate from so there is a good chance it will be available in your country.

Wealthy affiliate is available in a lot of countries where many other training programs are not. Wealthy affiliate aims to help and educate many people around the world no matter if you live in a top tier country or a low tier country. When you sign up for Wealthy affiliate there will be a list of countries it is available in and all you need to do is select your country while you are filling out the registration form. If your country is on the list that means wealthy affiliate is available in your country.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

Who Owns Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is owned by Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim. It is a joint ownership meaning they are both co owners. Kyle and Carson founded Wealthy Affiliate in 2005 to assist people in making keyword research and affiliate marketing easier. Since then Wealthy Affiliate has evolved a lot and has become of the most popular and well know affiliate marketing training programs in the world.

Kyle likes to travel the world when he can which is possible because of his online business. He also enjoys reading, sports, exercise and making money online. Kyle’s main passion is internet marketing and helping people succeed in affiliate marketing and making money online.

Carson likes to travel, learn and teach while sharing his passion with the world. He also enjoys sports and spending time with his family. Carson’s main passion is sharing his knowledge and helping others to succeed in internet marketing and making money online.

Kyle and Carson have a combined 26 years of experience in affiliate marketing and all things related to websites, affiliate marketing and building an online business. Since Wealthy Affiliate began in 2005 it has evolved considerably over the years and now has millions of members and a lot of experienced affiliate marketers.

Kyle and Carson have changed their own lives through affiliate marketing and their online businesses. They have also changed many other lives with Wealthy Affiliate. There are many success stories from WA where members have followed and applied the training on Wealthy Affiliate and gone to build very successful online business that generate them thousands of dollars per year.

History Of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate began when Kyle and Carson joined forces in 2005 as two young entrepreneurs and internet marketers that wanted to assist other affiliate marketers and online business owners by providing keyword lists. So they created Wealthy Affiliate, set it up as a monthly membership website and Wealthy Affiliate was born.

The Beginning

Wealthy Affiliate began in 2005 as keyword lists website where a monthly membership was offered in exchange for 1 keyword list being provided every week to members. At this time Wealthy Affiliate cost $29.99 per month. After they reached their first 50 members Kyle and Carson wanted to add a method of communication for members and this resulted in the WA forum being added which is now known as the WA community.

In late 2005 Kyle and Carson hired their first full time employee and in early 2006 training was added to Wealthy Affiliate due to requests from members. This training focused on how to use keywords and keyword lists for SEO to drive traffic to websites. After this training was added and due to the growth of the platform the price of Wealthy Affiliate went up from $29.99 per month to $39.00 per month.

In late 2006 Wealthy Affiliate hired more full time employees, added more dedicated servers and added WA spaces which gave members their own profile space on WA. In 2007 Wealthy Affiliate developed thier own web hosting infrastructure and WA web hosting was born. It started out with a couple of servers and a website builder called Site Rubix which is still used on WA today.

2008 to 2012

In 2008 Wealthy Affiliate spent a lot of time developing Site Rubix 2.0 but it was later scraped so they could spend more time focusing on other aspects of the platform. In early 2009 WA hired another senior team member which opened a lot of doors for them. They started gaining traction and leaving competitors behind due to them having all the tools people needed to run an online business.

Later in 2009 Wealthy Affiliate went from $39 per month to $97/$47 split depending on the membership level you choose. This was when Wealthy Affiliate premium membership was launched as well. In 2010 WA updated and relaunched the WA blog. In 2011 WA launched live chat which allows member to chat to each other in real time. In 2012 Wealthy affiliate made some bigger updates to the platform.

The first update in 2012 was the introduction of the rewarding system that rewards members for likes, comments and training they provide. One month later WA released Jaaxy the keyword research tool followed by the notification system one month after that. The notification system allowed members to stay up to date on what’s happening on Wealthy Affiliate.

Later in 2012 Wealthy Affiliate launched the free starter membership followed by a new training course at the end of the year called Social Engagement Certification.

2013 to 2014

In 2013 Wealthy Affiliate launched classrooms which provided training in many different topics related to online businesses and making money online.

Later that year private messaging was launched meaning members can private message each other and the Site Rubix hosting platform was updated and officially launched. In 2014 Wealthy Affiliate introduced a new system for bookmarking content inside the platform.

Later in the year another training course was launched which was the final course in the Online Entrepreneur certification training and it was called The Business Of Content Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation.

2015 to 2016

The next updates and changes came in 2015 starting with a an update that massively improved the security of websites hosted with their hosting platform.

After that live chat was updated to be more user friendly and WA increased it’s processing power due to the influx of new members.The final update for the year came in mid 2015 when the Site Comments platform was launched as well as the credit system to allow members to get comments on their websites.

In early 2016 Wealthy Affiliate launched the Site Domains platform which allows members to buy and register domains inside WA. Two months later they added the ability to transfer domains to WA which can be done easily. In mid 2016 Wealthy Affiliate rolled out Site Protect which is free spam protection for all websites that are hosted on WA. In late 2016 WA launched free SSL certificates which are included in all websites hosted on WA.

2017 & Beyond

Since 2016 Wealthy Affiliate has made many more updates and added many new features to the system. Most notably is the brand new look WA now has as well as updated training and the introduction of the premium plus membership in 2021. In late 2022 Wealthy Affiliate introduced another membership level called premium plus dedicated which gives you everything included in premium plus as well as the ability to host your own server on WA. This membership level is very expensive and is aimed at advanced users with a lot of experience.

In 2023 Wealthy Affiliate added the niche finder which is the latest feature on the platform. This allows you to get niche ideas by typing in a topic you are interested which will then give you a list of results that you could use as idea for your niche or for blog posts. Wealthy Affiliate is updating things all the time and is consistently adding new features to the platform. This is something that will never change and Wealthy Affiliate will always be the one stop shop for entrepreneurs and anyone wanting to learn how to build and run an online business.

The Training

Wealthy Affiliate has many different training courses that cover all aspects of your online business from getting rolling, to SEO, making money, getting traffic, social media marketing and much more. The core training on Wealthy Affiliate is the OEC training, affiliate bootcamp and the live classes. New training is being added to the platform each week and members can also create and add their own training on Wealthy Affiliate.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

Wealthy Affiliate OEC Training Level 1

The online entrepreneur certification training teaches you how to build and run a blog in a niche of your choice. There are 5 courses in this training which cover the basics like choosing a niche, how to set up your website and how to use WordPress as well as all other aspects of running your blog like SEO, traffic, getting ranked, making money, affiliate marketing and much more.

If you want to learn how to build an online business in a niche of your choice you should go through this training. You will not be promoting Wealthy Affiliate with this training but you could still do it if you wanted to.

Affiliate Bootcamp

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Phase 1

Affiliate bootcamp focuses on the make money online niche and teaches you how to build and run a blog in this niche. There are 7 courses in this training which cover all the basics like in the OEC training as well as other important aspects of running your online business. Later in affiliate bootcamp you will learn about how to get referrals as well as about PPC campaigns.

Affiliate Bootcamp will focus on the make money online niche and will be teaching you how to promote Wealthy Affiliate. So if you want to promote Wealthy Affiliate and build an online business in the make money online niche you should go through affiliate bootcamp.

Live Classes

Wealthy Affiliate Live Classes Topics


Aside from the OEC training and Affiliate Bootcamp there are also live classes each week on Wealthy Affiliate. The live classes are usually done by Kyle or one of the other expert affiliate marketers on the platform. They are usually around an hour or more in length and cover all aspects of making money online. There are over 500 classes on Wealthy Affiliate with new ones added every week.

Topics covered in live classes include WordPress, Search Engine Optimization, Niche Research, PPC Marketing, YouTube, Affiliate Marketing and much more. There is also a live chat with each live class where members can hang out and chat with each other. You can also ask questions to the presenter using the live chat at anytime during the class or leave your questions in the comments section below it.

All live classes on Wealthy Affiliate are free and included in your membership. Premium members get 1 to 2 live classes per week and premium plus members get 5 or more live classes per week. If you miss a live class you can watch the replay at any time and as many times as you like including replays of past live classes.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

Web Hosting

Web hosting is one of the core features on Wealthy Affiliate and it is included in all memberships. Wealthy Affiliate uses Site Rubix as their hosting platform. All websites hosted on Wealthy Affiliate are built by and use Site Rubix. Another important thing worth mentioning is all websites on Wealthy Affiliate are WordPress websites and you can’t change it.

WordPress is easy to use and great for beginners but if you don’t want to use WordPress then Wealthy Affiliate is not a good choice for you. Web hosting on Wealthy Affiliate is amazing, websites are always very fast and always load almost instantly. Combined with all the other website related features Wealthy Affiliate has to offer you can’t get any better than Wealthy Affiliate web hosting.

How Many Websites Can I Host On Wealthy Affiliate?

The amount of websites you can host on Wealthy Affiliate depends on your membership level. Starter members get one free site rubix domain that expires after 6 months. You can’t buy or host your own domains as a starter member. But if you upgrade you can move your website from your site rubix domain to one of your own domains easily within seconds.

Premium members can host 3 websites, premium plus members can host 10 websites and premium plus dedicated members can host 10 websites and their own server. You also get a free .com domain that is registered for 1 year when upgrade to premium and 2 free .com domains when you upgrade to premium plus. The amount of websites you can host on Wealthy Affiliate will be enough to build and run multiple online businesses.

Site Manager

Site manager shows you all the websites you have hosted on Wealthy Affiliate and their domain names. You can also see some important information about each of your websites. This includes site health, Google Index status, WordPress version, how much pages and posts you have, the number of comments you have and many other important details about your websites.

You can also login to your websites through site manager, reset your passwords for your websites and configure other settings for each of your website. Site manger also shows you when your websites were last updated and when the last backup was. Your websites are backed up daily by site support and you can see this in site manager.

SSL certificates and privacy protection is also included for free with each website you have hosted on Wealthy Affiliate and you can manage this through site manager as well. Site manager is an important feature to have and makes monitoring your websites easy and all in one place which is very helpful and is something you will use often.

Site Builder

The site builder on Wealthy Affiliate is a Site Rubix website builder that allows you to build a website on a free site rubix domain or a domain that you own. It is quick and easy to do and one of the best ways to build a website I have ever seen.

All you have to do is choose the domain you want to build a website on, enter a site title, site tagline and choose a theme. After that all you have to is click build and your website will be built within 30 to 60 seconds. After that you can login to your website and start working on it. This is the fastest and easiest way to build a website I have ever seen.

Site Domains

Site domains allows you to manage all of your domains that you have on Wealthy Affiliate. You can search for and buy new domains and renew your existing domains. You can also transfer domains from other domain registrars to Wealthy Affiliate which is quick and easy to as well as point domains that are registered outside of WA to the Wealthy Affiliate servers you can host websites on them through Wealthy Affiliate.

This process is pretty quick and straightforward as well and it will only take a few minutes to configure the settings inside your domain registrar and point them to Wealthy Affiliate. After that you will need to wait a little while for the changes to take effect and you will be good to go. All in all Wealthy Affiliate Site Domains is a one stop shop for all things domains.

Site Support

Site support is the support system for all of your websites that you have hosted on Wealthy Affiliate. If you have any questions or issues with any of your websites you can submit a support ticket any time which is easy to. Site support will help you with anything related to your websites including general inquires, security issues, technical support and much more.

Site support on Wealthy Affiliate is amazing and always responds fast. In my experience I have always gotten a response within 30 to 60 minutes and my questions have been answered or my issues have always been solved quickly. There was once recently where it took about 48 hours to get a response but it turned out this was because they were doing updates and troubleshooting to try and fix the issue I reported with one of my website.

After this time passed I did get a response explaining everything which they fixed with a PHP update to the website I was having problems with and this fixed the problem. Everything has been working fine again since then and site support was very helpful. Wealthy Affiliate has the best website support and customer service I have come across and has always been fast with responses and very helpful.

Other Website Related Features

Aside from the features I discussed above there are some other useful features for your websites that Wealthy Affiliate has. As a starter member you won’t have access to these features and you will have to upgrade to premium or premium or premium plus to get access to them. These features are very useful for managing your website and will also help your website perform better in search engines.

Site Content

Site content is the ultimate writing platform for writing content for your websites. It can be used to write posts and pages for any of your websites that you have hosted on Wealthy Affiliate. Site content includes templates you can use to write your about page, privacy policy and affiliate disclosure as well as some templates to help you write your blog posts.

You don’t have to use site content if you don’t want to and you can still create and edit posts and pages directly in WordPress if you want to but there are advantages to using site content. First you can use the templates I discussed above you can see how many words you have written for the month, set writing goals and see how you are doing with your writing compared to other members.

Site content also shows you when you are articles are indexed in Google which saves you from having to take the time to check each of them in Google Search Console to see if they are indexed or not. If you are a premium or premium plus member on Wealthy Affiliate I recommend you use site content as it is an amazing tool that will make it easy for you to write, manage and monitor your website content.

Site Email

Site Email allows you to set up mailboxes for your websites on Wealthy Affiliate. You can have an unlimited amount of mailboxes for each of your websites. It is quick and easy to create and set up a mailbox for your website. You can also set up Email Forwards as well as login to your mailboxes through site email.

Having a mailbox for each of your website is essential and the site email feature on Wealthy Affiliate is an easy and amazing way to manage your mailboxes for your websites.

Site Feedback

Site Feedback is a feature that allows you to get feedback on your websites. You can request feedback any time for any of your websites. You can get general feedback or feedback on your website design or content. Wealthy Affiliate has a credit system that is used to get feedback. To get credits you need to offer feedback on other people’s websites and you will earn 1 credit for every feedback you submit.

Make sure your feedback is a decent length and is helpful to the website owner. You can use the credits you earn to request feedback on your websites which costs 2 credits for each feedback you request. Keep in mind the feedback you receive will not appear on your website as it appears in the site feedback platform on Wealthy Affiliate.

You can reply to the feedback you get and you should use advice and feedback you get to improve your websites. I have not seen a site feedback platform like this anywhere else and it is definitely a great and useful feature to have.

Site Comments

Site Comments is a feature that allows you to get comments on your posts and pages on your websites. You can request comments at any time for any page or post on any of your websites. You can request comments with questions, comments about your content or comments about the topic you are talking about or about the article overall.

Site Comments uses the same credit system that Site Feedback uses. You earn 1 credit per comment you leave that is approved and it costs 2 credits per comment that you request. When you leave comments on other people’s articles using site comments make sure your comments are thoughtful and provide value to the reader.

If you leave silly or really short comments that are not helpful or don’t provide any value to the reader your comments are unlikely to be approved by the website owner.

How To Become A Certified Commenter

There is also another features with Site Comments and that is the ability to become a certified commenter.

If you become a certified commenter you can earn money by leaving comments. To become a certified commenter on Wealthy Affiliate you have to meet the following criteria.

  • Leave 50 quality comments in 30 days
  • Have an 80% approval rate
  • Have no more than a 20% skip rate
  • Be a premium member for at least 3 months
  • Maintain these requirements to remain a certified commenter

Once you meet these requirements you will be a certified commenter immediately. You can start earning money straight away. As a certified commenter you will earn cash credits for every comment you leave. Each cash credit is worth $0.25 USD and can be exchanged for cash within Wealthy Affiliate. You can receive your money once per month from Wealthy Affiliate via PayPal or you can use them to go towards the cost of your Wealthy Affiliate membership.

Should You Become A Certified Commenter?

It’s up to you if you want to go for your certified commenter status or not. If you do become a certified commenter be aware that this will be extra income but it won’t make you rich. How much you earn will depend on how many members are requesting comments each day. If you don’t want to become a certified commenter that’s ok and you can still use site comments to request and offer comments.

Comments are very important for your websites because it gives you engagement which is important for SEO and ranking. I have not seen a site comments platform like this anywhere else and it is an amazing opportunity for growth and extra income if that’s your goal. But either way it’s a great and useful feature to have and it is something you should use often.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is essential for SEO and growing your online business. Wealthy Affiliate has you covered with this as well because it includes all the tools you need to research keywords, niches and more. These tools are included in your membership and you don’t have to pay any money to use them.


Wealthy Affiliate Jaaxy Platform

Jaaxy is the keyword research platform that is available at Wealthy Affiliate. It was developed by the owners themselves and it is available for all members to use on Wealthy Affiliate. Jaaxy is an all in one keyword and market research tool that allows you to research keywords, competition and much more.

You have the ability to research unlimited keywords and see things like how many times a keyword is searched per month on Google, how much traffic you will get by ranking in the top position for a keyword, how much competition there is for a keyword, how easy or hard it will be to rank for a keyword and much more.

You can also create, manage and save keyword lists within Jaaxy. You also have the option to export your keyword lists to your computer in excel format or as text document. Be aware that the amount of searches you can do with Jaaxy per month depends on your membership level. Starter members get 30 searches per month but premium and premium plus members get unlimited searches per month.

Search Engine Analysis

Search engine analysis is a feature on Jaaxy that allows you to research and spy on website ranking data. This means when you use this feature and type in a keyword it will show you the websites that rank in the top 10 for the keyword you typed in. It also gives you the links to the websites and other details like word count, meta description, if the website uses Google Adsense or not and much more.

This feature is useful for analyzing your competition and gives you the ability to not only see the websites that are ranking in the top 10 for your chosen keyword but also allows you to see the their content for yourself so you can see what they are doing to rank their articles in the top 10 in search engines. It’s also worth mentioning that you can use search engine analysis to check rankings in Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Other Useful Jaaxy Features

Aside from keyword research and search engine analysis Jaaxy also includes other features such as Site Rank, Alphabet Soup, Niche Trends and Alphabet Soup X. Be aware that your ability to use these features will depend on your membership level. All around Jaaxy is an amazing platform that is essential for SEO research for your online business and once you start using you will see just how much value it has to offer.

The Niche Finder

Wealthy Affiliate Niche Finder

The niche finder is one of the recent additions to Wealthy Affiliate. The niche finder is a tool that will give you niche ideas if you are struggling to find a niche. When you type in something you are interested in and want to get niche ideas about it the niche finder will generate a list of 10 niche ideas for you.

If you like one of the ideas you can click on the magnifying glass icon to narrow that idea down even further get 10 ideas based on that query. The nice finder recently got another update on Wealthy Affiliate that added more useful and exciting new features.

The Niche Finder & Brand Names

You can also use the niche finder to come up with brand names for your business. Once you have found a niche idea that you like from the results that you are given you can click the find a brand button next to the idea you like. When you click this button the niche finder will give you a list of 10 good brand names you can use for your business.

From here you can save these ideas and you also have the option to click the build website button which will allow you to get a domain for your brand name and build a website on it all within a few seconds. Overall the niche finder is amazing and very powerful to that is essential for niche ideas and research. It is a feature on Wealthy Affiliate that I highly recommend especially for beginners.

How Much Can I Use The Niche Finder?

The niche finder is included in your membership for free and you don’t need to pay any more to use it. Be aware the niche finder does not give you unlimited searches as the amount searches you can do on the niche finder depends on your membership level. Starter members get 10 searches per month, Premium members get 50 searches per month and premium plus members get 100 searches per month.

Don’t let this deter you from using the niche finder as it’s an amazing tool that will be very useful to you and the amount of searches you get per month is enough for anyone to come up niche ideas for their business. The niche finder is very fast and generates results almost instantly. It is powered by artificial intelligence and will continue to be updated over time making it even better.

Building an online business starts with niche and if you are a beginner you might be confused or overwhelmed about choosing a niche. I have a beginners guide to niches on this website you can read for free.

Click Here To Read My Beginners Guide To Niches

The WA Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate has it’s own affiliate program that is free to promote by all members. There are no requirements to access it and you can start promoting Wealthy Affiliate no matter your membership level anytime you want. You don’t have to promote Wealthy Affiliate at all if you don’t want to but the option is there if it’s something you want to do.

How To Promote Wealthy Affiliate

You can promote Wealthy Affiliate any way you want to. You are free to share your WA affiliate on social, on your website or anywhere online that allows you to share affiliate links. But don’t spam your link and do it the right way. If you want to promote Wealthy Affiliate I recommend doing so on your website.

Follow the Affiliate Bootcamp training on Wealthy Affiliate and when you are ready write a review on Wealthy Affiliate and insert your affiliate link into your review so you can get referrals. You can also insert your WA affiliate link into other articles on your website that are relevant to mentioning Wealthy Affiliate.

To get your WA affiliate link click the dollar sign on your Wealthy Affiliate dashboard and you will find your WA affiliate link there. From there you can copy and paste it into your articles and anywhere else you need to. Be aware that as a starter member you will not have access to all the features of the WA affiliate program and your commissions will be halved.

WA Affiliate Program Commission Rates

The WA affiliate program has great commission rates and amazing earning potential. Be aware that your earnings will depend on your WA membership level and how many of your referrals upgrade to premium or premium plus. But regardless of your WA membership level you can still earn commissions on Wealthy Affiliate.

When you refer starter members to Wealthy Affiliate you will earn $1 for every person you refer. But you will only receive your money after they complete their WA profile and account setup.  After that you won’t earn anymore commissions until your referrals upgrade to premium or premium plus.

If you are a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate you will earn $23.50 for premium monthly upgrades and $235 for premium yearly upgrades. If your referrals upgrade to premium plus you will earn $46.50 for premium plus monthly upgrades and $320 for premium plus yearly upgrades. If your referrals upgrade to premium plus dedicated you will earn $60 for premium plus dedicated monthly upgrades and $720 for premium plus dedicated yearly upgrades.

Be aware that these will be recurring commissions as long as your referrals stay on Wealthy Affiliate and keep paying their membership. Remember these commission rates I discussed here are what you will earn as a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate.

If you are a starter member these rates will be halved and if you are a premium plus member these rates will be doubled. As for payment Wealthy Affiliate does pay, it has a payout threshold of $10 and it pays out via PayPal once per month. Wealthy Affiliate has some of the best commission rates I have seen on make money online affiliate programs and it is definitely worth promoting Wealthy Affiliate if that’s something you are interested in.

Banners, Tracking & Cookies

Wealthy Affiliate Starter Banner

Wealthy Affiliate has some great features included with their affiliate program to help you manage your promotions. Cookie duration is lifetime meaning that if someone uses your affiliate link and decides to sign up at a later date you will still get them as your referral.

Wealthy Affiliate also provides a tracking system where you can track your clicks and see how your affiliate links are doing. It also gives you the ability to create multiple campaigns and track them as well as the ability to set up messages that are left for your referrals automatically when they join through your link.

You can also use other affiliate links aside from your main affiliate link such as an account setup affiliate link or a site rubix affiliate link. There are also comparison tables to compare the WA affiliate program with other affiliate programs that you can use on your website and you can also track PPC advertising campaigns that you have set up on Facebook, Google or Bing.

Wealthy Affiliate also provides a selection of banners that you can use on your website to promote Wealthy Affiliate. These banners are images that you can download and include information about the WA platform, information about the WA membership levels and there are banners that you can use to promote specific WA features. These banners are free for you to download and use on your website.

Super Affiliate Las Vegas Conference

Wealthy Affiliate Super Affiliate Banner

Every year Wealthy Affiliate has a conference in Las Vegas for super affiliates and this another exciting feature of the WA affiliate program. To be considered a super affiliate you need to make get 300 premium or premium plus referrals in a year. If you achieve this you will be considered a super affiliate and get an invitation to the conference in Las Vegas.

The super affiliate conference is a private 3 to 4 day conference that is all paid for by Kyle and Carson meaning you don’t have to spend any money to get there. Your flight and accommodation will be paid for and you will also be given extra money to spend however you like.

If you make it to the Super Affiliate Las Vegas Conference here are a few of the exciting things included in the trip

  • You will meet Kyle, Carson and other super affiliates
  • You will learn about the future of the Wealthy Affiliate platform
  • Your whole trip is paid for including your flight, accommodation and more
  • You will get extra money to spend however you like
  • You will be put in stylish accommodation
  • Lots of food catered throughout the day
  • Access to lots of entertainment including gambling, shows and dinners
  • You will learn lots about Wealthy Affiliate and online business that will put you in the best shape ever for your online business

There is also a Super Affiliate 2.0 program for over achievers for anyone that achieves 3000 premium or premium plus referrals in a year. During this program you will get royalty treatment including being picked up in a luxury car, getting to stay in your own skyloft, your own butler for your whole stay and much more.

There are no other affiliate programs in the world that have features like this and it is the opportunity of a lifetime. The Super Affiliate Las Vegas conference is an amazing opportunity that I think all WA members that are promoting Wealthy Affiliate should aim for.

Overall the WA affiliate program is amazing and one of the best affiliate programs I have ever seen. Remember you don’t have to promote Wealthy Affiliate if you don’t want to but if it is something that interests you I recommend you do it. It will be a lot of work but the sky is the limit, the earning potential is huge and the WA affiliate program has the potential to change your life.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

Wealthy Affiliate Help & Support

Wealthy Affiliate has many ways to get help and support whenever you need. Aside from Site Support for your websites that I discussed earlier there is always help available 24/7 for any questions or issues have related websites, affiliate marketing and anything associated with online businesses.

Live Chat & Private Messages

Wealthy Affiliate Help Center

Wealthy Affiliate has a live chat feature that is available on the left side of the dashboard to all members. You are free to use it at anytime you like and there always members of the Wealthy Affiliate community active in the live chat that you can chat to at any time of the day or night. You can ask questions get help from other chat members and the owners Kyle and Carson also very active in the live chat so you can talk to them as well when you need to.

Wealthy Affiliate also has private message feature meaning you can send messages and communicate with any other Wealthy Affiliate member in private at any time you like. Be aware that private messages are not available to starter members you have to be a premium or premium plus member to send and receive private messages.

However if you are premium or premium plus member you can send private messages to any premium or premium plus member on Wealthy Affiliate including the owners Kyle and Carson. In my experience Kyle and Carson always respond to private messages within a few hours.

Sometimes it can take a bit long if it’s the weekend or they really busy but most of the time they respond to private messages within a few hours. Most premium and premium plus members respond to private messages as well within 24 hours or so. Private messages is a very useful feature that I use often keep in touch with other members including the owners of Wealthy Affiliate and I encourage you to use it as well to get help when you need it.

Questions & Access To The Owners

Wealthy Affiliate also gives you the ability to access questions in the Wealthy Affiliate community at any time you like. Asking questions is a simple as clicking the help button on the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard and selecting the ask a question option. You can then type in your question and give further details about your issue. Once you post your question you will get responses from Wealthy Affiliate community members quite quickly.

I have use this feature many times and I have also gotten good responses from many experienced Wealthy Affiliate community members and response times have always been fast within 30 to 60 minutes of posting my question. Sometimes it has even been a bit quicker than that and I have occasionally gotten answers from the owners as well. As I mentioned earlier you have access to the owners at all times on Wealthy Affiliate.

Any Wealthy Affiliate member can ask Kyle or Carson for help, advice or feedback at any time. You can contact them in live chat, via their WA profile, in comments on their blog posts and training or via private messages if you are a premium or premium plus member. Kyle and Carson are very active in the Wealthy Affiliate community which is one of the best things about Wealthy Affiliate.

Kyle and Carson are always happy to help and will always respond to you as soon as they can usually within a few hours. Kyle, Carson and the WA community are always just a comment or message away so I encourage you to ask as many questions as you need to on Wealthy Affiliate as well as reach out to Kyle and Carson when you need to. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help as a little help goes a long way.

Your WA Profile & Blog

Timothy Balla Wealthy Affiliate Profile

Each member on Wealthy Affiliate has their own profile and you get your own blog on Wealthy Affiliate as well. Your WA profile contains your username, profile picture, bio, WA rank, follower count, links space, membership level and a comment section where members can leave you messages.

Your profile on Wealthy Affiliate is used to show members who you and tell them a bit about yourself. It also a space where you can communicate with other WA members. I recommend you go through the account setup and set your profile up with a picture and write something about yourself in your bio. This will help other members trust you and learn a bit about you as well as get your more followers on Wealthy Affiliate.

You also get your own blog on Wealthy Affiliate which you are free to use and post on whenever you like. You can post about anything you like as long as it’s acceptable on Wealthy Affiliate. Most members use their WA blog to post about their progress and experience with their business and making money online.

Whenever you make a blog post on your WA blog it will appear in the blog posts area on the WA dashboard and other members will see it and leave likes and comments. Your WA blog is a great way to learn, share your thoughts and experiences and engage with the WA community. Be aware that you will not make money with your WA blog and you will be making money from your website which what Wealthy Affiliate teaches you all about.

Wealthy Affiliate Rank

Wealthy Affiliate also has a ranking system meaning every member is assigned a rank based on activity and how much they help and engage with the community. When you first join Wealthy Affiliate you will be unranked and the more active you are on Wealthy Affiliate the better your rank will be.

Your WA rank is determined by how active you are on WA, how much you create content and engage with the community as well as how much you answer questions and help people on Wealthy Affiliate. The more active you are and the more you create content and help people on WA the better your WA rank will be.

If you make it into the top 200 you will earn a badge that will reflect this and if you are very active and make it into the top 25 you will then be a WA ambassador and get another badge that will reflect this. Wealthy Affiliate ambassadors are well respected members who are very active in the WA community and have been very helpful to other people. This is something that I encourage to work towards but it should not be your priority.

Do not spam the WA community or keep leaving a lot of repetitive and unhelpful comments. Spam is not tolerated on Wealthy Affiliate and it’s not about being the best.  Being active in the WA community is about helping people, solving problems and networking with other like minded people.

The WA Community

Wealthy Affiliate has a large an amazing community with over 2.6 million members including experts and experienced affiliate marketers who have been making money online for years. The WA community is available at all times to all members and can engaged with in all the ways I have discussed above including on WA profiles, by asking questions, live chat, private messages and through engage with content on WA blogs.

The WA community is one of the best parts of Wealthy Affiliate because you get to help other people and share your knowledge but also learn from, engage with and connect with many other amazing like minded people that you will benefit you in many ways. The owners Kyle and Carson are always very active in the WA community as I mentioned earlier and they also post helpful and interesting content on their WA blogs regularly for all WA members to read and engage with.

The Wealthy Affiliate community is a safe place full of amazing people that are always happy to chat, share their knowledge and connect with you and other members of the WA community. You won’t find a community like this on any other platform online. The WA community is available 24/7 and there is always something to read, someone to help and something to do.

Being a part of the WA community is amazing and is a very rewarding experience. It’s the chance of a lifetime to meet, engage and network with people who have your back and share the same passion as you. So I encourage you to be as active as you can in the Wealthy affiliate community and don’t miss your chance to be a part of all the amazing things the Wealthy Affiliate community has to offer and share with you.

Wealthy Affiliate Pricing & Membership Levels

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Levels

Wealthy Affiliate has four membership levels and they are Starter, Premium, Premium Plus and Premium Plus Dedicated. When you first join Wealthy Affiliate you will be a Starter member which is free and then you can choose to upgrade if and when you want to. You are not forced to upgrade but if you are serious about making money online and you decide Wealthy Affiliate is for you it is necessary and worth upgrading your membership.

Starter Membership

The starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate is a free membership for beginners to try out the platform. It is free forever meaning you can remain a starter member for as long as you like but it is very limited. You will only have access to the first level of the OEC training and the first level of the Affiliate Bootcamp training. There are also a lot of other features you won’t access to on Wealthy Affiliate as starter member such as private messages, your own domains, the site content platform and more.

As a starter member you get one free Site Rubix domain but this domain expires after 6 months unless you upgrade. The purpose of the starter membership is to try out Wealthy Affiliate and give it a test drive to see if it is for your or not. If you like WA after trying it out and are serious about making money online then I recommend you upgrade your membership.

It will be very difficult to make money as starter member because you won’t have all the training and tools you need to grow and run your online business therefore you should upgrade your membership so you can get full access to all the training, tools and everything else Wealthy Affiliate has to offer..

Premium Membership

The premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate gives you full access to all the training, tools and the community on the platform. You have full access to most things on Wealthy Affiliate except for a few premium plus features like Alphabet Soup X and extra live classes that are for premium plus members only.

But you shouldn’t worry about this to start with as the premium membership gives you full access to everything you need to build, run and grow your online business. The premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate costs $49 per month or $500 per year if you get a yearly membership.

Premium Plus Membership

The premium plus membership at Wealthy Affiliate includes everything in the premium membership and extra features that are only available to premium plus members like Alphabet Soup X and extra live classes. Premium Plus members get live classes almost daily whereas premium members only get 1 to 2 live classes per week.

As a premium plus member you will have access to everything on the Wealthy Affiliate platform and you will also get double commissions with the WA affiliate program. The premium plus membership is for those who have experience with their online business and want to learn more or advance their skills. The premium plus membership at Wealthy Affiliate costs $99 per month or $700 per year if you get a yearly membership.

Premium Plus Dedicated Membership

The premium plus dedicated membership at Wealthy Affiliate is the highest membership level available on the platform and was only introduced recently. The premium plus dedicated membership includes everything that is included in the premium plus membership but you also get your own server with a bandwidth of 1 million visitors per month.

The premium plus dedicated membership is for advanced users and it is very expensive. It is for advanced users who have a lot of experience with their online business and want their own server. This is something you should only think about once you have a look of experience and have a reason for wanting or needing your own server. The premium plus dedicated membership at Wealthy Affiliate costs $399 per month or $3990 per year if you get a yearly membership.

Should You Upgrade Your Membership?

When you join Wealthy Affiliate as a starter member you might be wondering if you should upgrade your membership or not. The answer to this questions depends on a couple of factors you need to consider. The first  one is you should take your time test drive the platform as a starter member, ask question and go through the first level of training you have access to and see if you like WA and what is has to offer.

The second factor is that once you have done a test drive of Wealthy Affiliate and gone through the first level of training you should be able to decide if it is for you or not. If you decide you like website and affiliate marketing and you think WA is for you than I recommend you upgrade your membership. If you decide it is not for you and you don’t like WA that’s ok you are free to move on and look at other options for making money online.

If you do decide to upgrade your membership I recommend doing it as soon as you can. If you don’t have the money that’s ok as there is no rush to upgrade but if you do have the money and want to purse affiliate marketing you should upgrade your membership as soon as you can so you can get full access to all the training and tools to run and grow your online business as well as everything else WA has to offer.

I recommend upgrading to premium first and then you can upgrade to premium plus or premium plus dedicated at a later if you decide that is something you want to do. All in all upgrading your membership is something you should take your time deciding and not rush into. Be aware that as starter member you can leave Wealthy Affiliate at any time you like, log in to the platform and pick up where you left off.

But once you upgrade your membership you can’t go back to being a starter member. You can cancel your membership at any time and return at any time but you will be locked out of the platform and won’t be able to login and access anything until you pay for your membership again. That’s why you should take your time deciding if affiliate marketing and WA is for you or not and if you want to upgrade your membership or not.

But if you do decide to upgrade your membership it will be a great thing and you will be on your way to success and the online journey of a lifetime.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

My Experience With Wealthy Affiliate

I first joined Wealthy Affiliate in June 2019 after months of trying strategies that I saw on YouTube that made me no money. I had no idea what I was doing back then and I wasted many months and countless hours on things that didn’t work. I stumbled up on Wealthy Affiliate by chance through Google while searching for legit make money online websites.

I then read a review of Wealthy Affiliate that was written by WA member and I signed up that day using his link. I got started straight away by introducing myself to the community, checking out the WA platform and starting the first level of the training. I was a starter member for a few months and during this time I completed the first level of training and kept communicating from time to time in the WA community.

During this time I also built my first website on a free Site Rubix domain at Wealthy Affiliate. It is in the smartphones niche and is called Smartphones Galore. I still have it today and I still work on it from time to time. It is also still hosted on Wealthy Affiliate but it is now on my own domain instead of a free Site Rubix Domain.

My Next Steps On Wealthy Affiliate

After a few months as a starter member I upgraded to premium monthly membership in early 2020 and went through the rest of the training and continued learning and building out my website. In mid 2020 I lost motivation because I wasn’t making any money so I gave up and quit Wealthy Affiliate. I returned a few months later in early 2021 to give things another go.

I continued building out my website again for a while but still made no money and I quit Wealthy Affiliate again in mid 2021. At this point I was tired of trying to make money with Wealthy Affiliate and I said to myself I will never return to Wealthy Affiliate. I even gave up trying to make money online altogether for a few months. In June 2022 I decided to give making money online another go and that’s when I started this business but I still didn’t return to WA yet.

I became interested in Wealthy Affiliate again in November 2022 because I needed to look at old content of mine from my Smartphones Galore website for reference. I also missed the WA community and was struggling to find answers to questions I had about online businesses and making money online. So I started seriously considering going back to Wealthy Affiliate and then I was tempted by the Black Friday deal and I ended up returning to Wealthy Affiliate on 1st December 2022 as premium member with a yearly membership.

What’s Happened Since I Returned To Wealthy Affiliate?

Since then I have continued working on this website and my Smartphones Galore website through WA. I have also bought other domains and starting building other websites hosted on WA as hobbies. I haven’t made any money yet with WA but I have made small amount of money with this website which is not hosted through WA.

I have had a lot of success in the WA community though by answering questions, creating blog posts and helping people by sharing my knowledge and experience. I’m now very active on Wealthy Affiliate and have reached ambassador status on the platform. My failure in making money online is no fault of WA and things went as bad as they did because I quit twice.

Now I have a different mindset and I will make it work with WA and this website no matter how long it takes. I like helping people and I’m passionate about technology and making money online which is the reason I started this business. Consistency is key and building a successful online business takes a lot of time, effort and dedication. If you want to join Wealthy Affiliate and build an online business you should go for but don’t make the same mistakes I did.

You should go into it with the right expectations but never quit and never give up. Once you get to where you want to be with your website and online business it will change your life and you can achieve the success of your dreams with your website and with Wealthy Affiliate.

If you would like to read more about story and experience with making money online you can do so by reading this article about my business here What Is Byteable Tech?

If you would like to read more about how making money online really works you can do so by reading this article about What It Really Takes To Make Money Online.

Should You Join Wealthy Affiliate?

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to beginners and anyone else who wants to start an online business that is looking for a platform to get great training and connect with a community of experts and like minded people. I also recommend Wealthy Affiliate to people with experience who are looking to advance their skills, learn more about online business and connect with like minded people.

I don’t recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who doesn’t want to build an online business as the platform is all about websites, affiliate marketing and online businesses meaning you shouldn’t join if that is something you are not interested in. I also don’t recommend Wealthy Affiliate if you don’t want to make a full time income or put in the time, effort and dedication to build an online business. If that’s the case Wealthy Affiliate is not for you and you are better off looking to other options that interest you and will help you achieve your goals.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

Pros & Cons


  • Available Worldwide
  • Free Starter Membership
  • Lightning fast hosting
  • Hosting is included in your membership
  • Has comprehensive training about websites, SEO affiliate marketing and much more
  • Has weekly live classes for premium members and almost daily live classes for premium plus members
  • Hosting, Keyword research tools and everything else you need to build, run and grow your online business is included in your membership
  • Free SSL certificate, privacy protection, website backups, security features and much more are includes for all your websites hosted on Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Site support is very helpful and responds quickly
  • The owners are very active in the community, are always happy to help members and respond within in a few hours
  • Help is always available 24/7 no matter where you are in the world and the time of day or night
  • Amazing community with over 2.6 million members from all over the world including a lot of experts and experienced affiliate marketers


  • Free Starter membership is very limited
  • You can’t go back to the starter membership if you can your premium membership
  • No explanation about backlinks, no follow links and other similar SEO strategies in the core training


In Conclusion Wealthy Affiliate is a learning platform that teaches you how to build and run your own online business. It has a lot of comprehensive training with a core focus on websites, blogging, SEO, Keyword Research and affiliate marketing. There is also other training in other areas of online business such as YouTube, Email Marketing, Copyrighting and much more.

Aside from the OEC training and Affiliate Bootcamp training there are live classes that are run by experts and teach all aspects of online businesses. Hosting is included in your membership along with a lot of other tools features that you need to build, run and grow your online business. WA has lightning fast hosting, amazing Site Support and amazing community of experts and other like minded people.

Help is always available 24/7 and the owners are very active on the platform and they are always happy to help members out if they have questions or need any kind of help. Wealthy Affiliate also has an affiliate program but you do not have to promote Wealthy Affiliate if you don’t want to but the WA affiliate program has amazing commissions rate and a fully paid for Super Affiliate conference in Las Vegas each year for those who make 300 sales or more in a year.

Should You Join Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate has 4 membership levels which are Starter, Premium, Premium Plus and Premium Plus dedicated. You will start out as a starter member when your first join which is free forever but it is very limited. This is because it is mean’t be used to test drive the platform and decide if it is for you or not. If you like Wealthy Affiliate and decide it’s for you I recommend you upgrade to premium or premium plus so you can get all the training and tools you need to build, run and grow your online business.

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to beginners and anyone else who wants to build an online business and is looking for great training and a community of like minded people. I also recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone with experience with online business that wants to advanced their skills and connect with like minded people.

I don’t recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who doesn’t want to build an online business, learn about websites and affiliate marketing or make a full time income. I also don’t recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who doesn’t want to put in the time, effort and dedication to build an online business. If that’s the case I recommend you look for other options you like better and will help you achieve your goals.

My Overall Opinion Of Wealthy Affiliate

I really like Wealthy Affiliate and I think it’s the best platform in the world to build an online business, learn affiliate marketing and connect with like minded people. My only complaints are the starter membership is very limited and you can’t go back to it you upgrade to premium or premium plus and then cancel it. My only other complaint is that some SEO strategies like backlinks and no follow links are not explained in the core training.

But other than that I really like Wealthy Affiliate and how amazing it is for people of all skill levels to learn, build online businesses and connect with like minded people. I think it’s a great choice for anyone that wants to build an online business, learn affiliate marketing and make a full time income with the support of an amazing community of like minded people.

Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed this review. If you have any questions or need any help let me know in the comments. I will be more than happy to help you out.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free


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