What Is A Niche- A Guide For Beginners

What Is A Niche?- A Guide For Beginners

When starting an online business your niche is one of the first things you need to decide on as it is what your business will be about and is essential for research purposes. In this article I will be answering the question What Is A Niche? and I will be discussing some other important details about niches including what you need to know about choosing a niche for your online business.

What Is A Niche?

Your niche is what your business will be about. It’s the audience or market that you will be selling or promoting your products to. For example if you have a business that sells phone cases then your niche is phone cases. Niches are important because you need to have an audience for your business and you need to know the topic your business is going to be about. Niche

There are hundreds of niches to choose from and just about anything can be a niche including phones, computers, gardening, cleaning products, travel, baby products and much more. You can also find niche ideas by narrowing down your area of interest for example if you are interested in phones your niche could be phone cases, phone accessories, phone plans or anything else related to phones.

Examples Of A Niche

When choosing a niche it’s a good idea to narrow it down meaning you shouldn’t go for something that is too broad like if you are interested in the baby niche it’s better to narrow it down to something like baby clothes or baby monitors. This is because going for something too broad without narrowing it down can be a bad choice because they are very popular and competitive. What Is Your Niche?

The more popular and competitive your niche is the harder it is going to be for you to rank content and do well in your niche. If you choose something that is less popular and less competitive you will be able to rank easier and do better with your business. I’m going to go over some examples to give you an idea of what I mean in case you are confused and still don’t know what I’m talking about.

Here are some examples of niche ideas to get you started on choosing a niche


If you like gardening want this to be your niche you should narrow it down to something more specific because gardening is a very competitive niche.

For Example you could choose one of these

  • Garden Tools
  • Garden Lights
  • Garden Security
  • Organic Gardening
  • Container Gardening
  • Vegetable Gardening
  • Herb Gardening
  • Flower Gardening
  • Urban Gardening
  • Edible Gardening

As you can see I have narrowed down gardening to a few different niches and there are even more to choose from than the ones I have listed. The niches I listed are popular and profitable but better choices than just choosing gardening as your niche.

Baby Products

If you like babies and want to start a business in the baby niche you should narrow this down as well. The baby niche is very popular and there many possibilities it can be narrowed down to that will make it less competitive for you.

For Example you could choose one of these

  • Baby Food
  • Baby Clothes
  • Baby Monitors
  • Baby Gear & Furniture
  • Baby Nutrition & Diets
  • Baby Toys & Games
  • Baby Teething
  • Baby Photography
  • Baby Sleep Training
  • Baby Bathing & Grooming

As you can see there are many options in the baby niche like I have just narrowed down and there many other options to choose from. The niches I listed a good niches related to babies that are popular and not as competitive as just choosing babies as your niche.


If you like smartphones and want this to be the niche for your business you could choose smartphones are your niche like I have a business in this niche. But you could narrow it down to something more specific to give yourself a better chance of doing well with your business.

For Example you could choose one of these

  • Smartphone Cases
  • Smartphone Accessories
  • Budget Smartphones
  • Foldable Smartphones
  • Rugged Smartphones
  • Waterproof Smartphones
  • Smartphones For Kids
  • High End Smartphones
  • Smartphone Mounts
  • Smartphone Repairs

As you can see there are many options in the Smartphones niche as well that you can narrow it down to and there are many more to choose from as well besides the ones I listed. The niches I listed are all good choices that are popular but not as competitive as just choosing smartphones as your niche.


The health niche is a very popular niche that you need to narrow down otherwise it will be hard to for your to rank content and do well with your business. You shouldn’t give any medical advice unless you are a doctor or other kind of health professional. But there many options to choose from that you can narrow it down to that don’t involve being a health professional or giving medical advice.

For Example you could choose one of these

  • Mental Health
  • Weight Loss
  • Nutrition
  • Vegan Diet
  • Exercise Routines
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Skin Care
  • Dental Care

As you can see there are many options in the health niche to choose from and there are many more aside from the ones I listed. The niches I listed are very popular and can be quite competitive as well but are less competitive than just choosing health as your niche.

Pet Care

The pet care niche is a very popular niche and is quite competitive meaning you should narrow it down to something more specific if you want to start a business in the pet care niche. This will make things easier for you and it will be less competitive for you.

For Example you could choose one of these

  • Pet Toys
  • Pet Food & Nutrition
  • Pet Supplies & Accessories
  • Pet Grooming
  • Pet Feeders
  • Pet Travel
  • Pet Cameras
  • Exotic Pets
  • Senior Pet Care
  • Pet Behavior Training

As you can see there are many options in the pet care niche to choose from and there are many more aside from the ones I listed. The niches I listed are popular but are less competitive than just choosing pet care as your niche.

Make Money Online

Make Money Online niche is very popular and one of the most popular niches among affiliate marketers. If you are interesting in making money online and want to start a business in this niche you should narrow it down to something more specific to make things easier and make it less competitive for you.

For example you could choose one of these

  • Paid Surveys
  • Blogging
  • WordPress
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Dropshipping
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Domain Flipping
  • Website Flipping
  • Content Creation
  • Video Creation & Editing

As you can see there are many options in the make money online niche to choose from and there are many more aside from the ones I listed. The niches I listed are popular but less competitive than just choosing make money online as your niche.

Should You Narrow Down Your Niche?

Now that I have gone over some examples you should understand how you should narrow down your niche. I think you should narrow down your niche in the topic you are interested in into something more specific like I showed you in the examples above.

This is so you can focus on something more specific giving you less competition but still having a good amount of competition to get you traffic to your website and business. When you narrow down your niche like I showed you in the examples above you are choosing what is called a sub niche or sub category.

A sub niche is a smaller segment or small portion of the market in a particular niche. Sub niches are good and you shouldn’t be worried about choosing one as it will give you something specific to focus and be able to have a niche that is less competitive. As long as your sub niche is related to your niche or topic you are interested in and has decent competition and market you should be fine.

If you are just getting started making money online you might be interested in reading an article I have about what it really takes to make money online.

Click Here To Read What It Really Takes To Make Money Online

How To Choose A Niche

When choosing your niche you should go with something you are interested in and passionate about. Don’t choose something that is popular and competitive that you have no interest in. You should never choose a niche that you have no interest in especially as a beginner.

This is because if you start a business in a niche that you know nothing about and have no interest in you will end up loosing interest in your business and failing as a result. Always choose a niche that you are interested in and know something about so you will stay focused and interested in your business.

Another thing to consider and keep in mind when choosing a niche is to take your time. Your niche is one of the first things you will need to decide and it is one of the most important aspects of your business. This means you should take your time to research and think about what niche you would like to choose.

How To Get Started Choosing A Niche

Start by writing down your interests and then start researching niche ideas related to your interests. Don’t rush this process and take as much time as you need to decide on your niche. Once you have chosen a niche and start your business you can change it but it could end up confusing for you and your audience. That’s why it’s best to decide on a niche and stick to it before starting your business.

If you are stuck for niche ideas you should have a look on websites such as eBay and Amazon and look at the categories on those websites. All the categories you see are niches and when you hover your mouse cursor over them you will see even more categories. Looking at these categories is a good way to get idea niche ideas if you are stuck. You can also search Google for niche ideas in your topic of interest which is a good source of information.

Finally I wanted to point out that all the niche ideas and niche related things I have discussed in this article are relevant to everyone and apply to you no matter what kind of online business you are starting whether it is a blog, dropshipping store, digital products store or any other kind of online business you will be able to use this information. I wrote and designed this article to help you choose a niche for any kind of online business that you want to start.

If you are just getting started making money online you might be interested in reading an article I have about what it really takes to make money online.

Click Here To Read What It Really Takes To Make Money Online


When you are starting an online business your niche is on the of the first things you will need to decide on. Your niche is what your business will be about. It’s the audience or market that you will be selling or promoting your products to.

There are hundreds of niches to choose from and just about anything can be a niche including phones, computers, gardening, cleaning products, travel, baby products and much more. When choosing a niche it’s a good idea to narrow it down meaning you shouldn’t go for something that is too broad like if you are interested in the baby niche it’s better to narrow it down to something like baby clothes or baby monitors.

This is because if you choose a niche that is too broad and very competitive you will have a lot of competition and have a hard time ranking your content and doing well with your business. You choose a niche that is popular but has less competition but narrowing down your niche to something less broad.

For example if you are interested in gardening you could choose garden tools, garden lights, garden security, organic gardening, container gardening, vegetable gardening or something else. There are many options when you choosing a niche and there are many niches to choose from so take your time and come up with some good ideas that interest you.

This is so you can focus on something more specific giving you less competition but still having a good amount of competition to get you traffic to your website and business. When you narrow down your niche like I showed you in the examples above you are choosing what is called a sub niche or sub category.

A sub niche is a smaller segment or small portion of the market in a particular niche. Sub niches are good and you shouldn’t be worried about choosing one as it will give you something specific to focus and be able to have a niche that is less competitive. As long as your sub niche is related to your niche or topic you are interested in and has decent competition and market you should be fine.

When choosing your niche you should go with something you are interested in and passionate about. Don’t choose something that is popular and competitive that you have no interest in. You should never choose a niche that you have no interest in especially as a beginner.

This is because if you start a business in a niche that you know nothing about and have no interest in you will end up loosing interest in your business and failing as a result. Always choose a niche that you are interested in and know something about so you will stay focused and interested in your business.

Start by writing down your interesting and research niche ideas related to the things you are interested in. Take as much time as you need to decide on your niche. You can change your niche after you have started your business but this may be confusing for you and your audience so it’s best to decide on your niche before you start your business.

If you are stuck for niche ideas you should have a look on websites such as eBay and Amazon and look at the categories on those websites. All the categories you see are niches and when you hover your mouse cursor over them you will see even more categories. Looking at these categories is a good way to get idea niche ideas if you are stuck. You can also search Google for niche ideas in your topic of interest which is a good source of information.

I also wanted to point out that all the niche ideas and niche related things I have discussed in this article are relevant to everyone and apply to you no matter what kind of online business you are starting whether it is a blog, dropshipping store, digital products store or any other kind of online business you will be able to use this information. I wrote and designed this article to help you choose a niche for any kind of online business that you want to start.

Finally choosing your niche should be one of the first things you do before starting an online business so you know what your business will be about. Choosing your niche is important but can also be fun and you should enjoy it. Do your research and follow the tips I have given you in this article and you will be on your way to success. After you have chosen your niche you are ready to start your online business and begin your journey into the online business world.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or need any help let me know in the comments. I will be more than happy to help you out.


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